Kiln Firing Prices

Free Kiln Firing Schedules (click each link below to view):
Fusing and Slumping.pdf
Pre-Fire Shelves/Ceramic Molding.pdf
Bead Annealing.pdf
Bottle Melt And Slump.pdf
Transfer Paper.pdf
Reusche Paints.pdf
Pot Melts.pdf
We offer kiln firing service in our 3 different sized kilns. Perfect for those hobbyists who want to make fused, slumped, painted, or photo paper projects, but do not want to invest in the cost of a kiln. Our experienced staff will fire your projects to the schedule you desire. See prices and details below:
Any project(s) sized under 7″ x 7″ square – $9.50/firing
Any project(s) sized under a 15.5″ octagon – $15.00/firing
Any project(s) sized under a 24″ x 39″ racetrack – $25.00/firing
Bottle Melting – Pricing for 1 bottle – $12.00/bottle, if firing 6 or more bottles – $10.00/bottle for 1 liter bottles or less.
Bottle Slumping into Sagger mold – $8.00 extra for 750ml bottle or less, $10.00 extra for 1 liter bottle
We have over 100 molds that are available for use with any slumped project. Please visit our showroom to view the molds we have available for your use. Pricing will be based on size of mold and will be quoted in our showroom by staff. If you have your own mold(s) you want to use, no problem at all, just have them prepared with glass separator ahead of time. The only molds we are currently not firing are drop-out molds.
1. The firing price prices above are for one or multiple projects depending on how many you can fit safely onto the shelf of the particular kiln you require. For example, if you are doing 3″ square projects, you can fit approx 9-12 projects into 1 firing in the 15.5″ kiln. The cost to fire those 9-12 projects would still be a total of $15.00 + tax. It pays to maximize how many projects you can fit on the shelf per firing. Our staff can help figure the best yield for your projects.
2. Rainbow will supply the Thin-Fire paper at no charge for the kiln shelf.
3. Rainbow staff will program the controller based on your requested firing schedule. If you do not have a firing schedule, we can use one of our standard programs based on your desired finished look.
4. Customer will come to our studio classroom and load the kiln with their project(s). When finished, we will call and the customer will come back and unload the project(s) from the kiln. Rainbow staff will not touch your project during any stage of the process.
5. If Devitrification Spray is needed and asked for, we will apply to your project for a minimal fee (based on size of project – inquire at time of loading kiln).
6. Allow 2-4 business days for our staff to complete.
7. Rainbow is not responsible for any damage that arises during the firing. Customer takes full responsibility for any potential damage that occurs. The actual chance of any projects being damaged is very low as we have a lot of experience here with kiln formed projects.
Give us a call, 732-681-6003, or send an email to
Thank you,
Anthony Longo